Inspiration from a Lifelong Vegetarian
– Writing and Photos

Nothing Stops John Lewis, Bad Ass Vegan

Nothing Stops John Lewis, Bad Ass Vegan

John Lewis weighed 315 lbs. as a freshman in high school.  By senior year of college, this 6’5” man got down to 225 lbs and 7% body fat. During graduate school, digestive problems led him to a doctor who urged giving up meat for 30 days.  After two weeks of avoiding...
Book Touts Whole, Unprocessed Vegan Cuisine

Book Touts Whole, Unprocessed Vegan Cuisine

In her new book The Perfect Formula Diet, Janice Stanger, Ph. D. says vegan cuisine is the way to go, as long as care is taken to eat unprocessed whole foods. She shares her past personal struggles with weight issues, depression, and health problems. In 1995 when her...
Glowing 71-Year-Old Attributes Raw Foods Diet

Glowing 71-Year-Old Attributes Raw Foods Diet

Mimi Kirk of the San Diego area is the beautiful woman known for recently winning PETA’s “Sexiest Vegetarians Over 50” contest. Now 71, she was the oldest contestant. Kirk told Fox 5 she feels like she is in her 20s because of the raw foods diet she...