Inspiration from a Lifelong Vegetarian
– Writing and Photos

Real Food Daily Repeatedly Rocks

Real Food Daily Repeatedly Rocks

I can’t seem to go to my hometown of Los Angeles without stopping by Real Food Daily. Whether it’s the Santa Monica or the West Hollywood location, I love the creative, delectable food and the stylish atmosphere.  My family, a mix of vegetarians,...
Lyfe in Los Angeles

Lyfe in Los Angeles

We took a quick trip through the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles, where I spent my first years of childhood. Of course, I had to explore any new culinary options on the horizon and something that came up quickly using Google was Lyfe Kitchen on Ventura Boulevard in...
Treats from L.A. to Santa Barbara

Treats from L.A. to Santa Barbara

Sorry for the longer pause between articles – the website has been having technical difficulties. Back to the fun stuff:  on a recent trip to L.A, I shared dinner with family at Cafe Gratitude, a place featuring both raw and cooked meals, in oh-so-trendy Venice...