Inspiration from a Lifelong Vegetarian
– Writing and Photos

Nothing Stops John Lewis, Bad Ass Vegan

Nothing Stops John Lewis, Bad Ass Vegan

John Lewis weighed 315 lbs. as a freshman in high school.  By senior year of college, this 6’5” man got down to 225 lbs and 7% body fat. During graduate school, digestive problems led him to a doctor who urged giving up meat for 30 days.  After two weeks of avoiding...
Raw Food Teacher Brightens San Diego

Raw Food Teacher Brightens San Diego

Joan Jackson weighed 300 pounds about six years ago and said she was “working on diabetes, heart attack and stroke.”  When her son nearly fell down an escalator and she couldn’t move to protect him, she catapulted herself into a lifestyle change,...
African-American Experts Promote Vegan Health and Lifestyle

African-American Experts Promote Vegan Health and Lifestyle

People of all backgrounds are vegetarians, and within the African-American community some people deserve recognition for their contributions to the veggie movement.  It has been said there are over 1.5 million African-Americans in the U.S. who are vegetarian, so it is...