Two of my friends don’t know each other but are both amazing artists and meditation/yoga teachers. They devote their lives to helping others and are in need of receiving at this time.
Deborah Shemesh (pictured with me and her son, Adam) is an inspirational woman that has been fighting off cancer for more than the 20 years my family has known her. She is a Chopra Center teacher living in Northern California, and mother to a son in San Diego. She recently had hip surgery, and next month is facing another expensive surgery for adenocarcinoma. To learn more — or if you are able to donate even a few dollars — please click here.
Lotus Love, about half Deborah’s age but full of wisdom, is a San Diego healer offering yoga, reiki, meditation and more, and she and her partner Andre are awesome artists. They recently incurred not only the sudden death of their sweet cat but steep unexpected vet bills and came up with a creative way of exchanging their healing and artistic services for donations. See this video for details.
Give and receive!